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...helping individuals with autism achieve more independent, productive, and happy lives.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about our autism projects:

Proceeds from the sale of these projects benefit autism research and intervention programs that ultimately assist individuals with autism achieve more independent, productive and happy lives. Qualified organizations may apply for a grant that is given on an annual basis. Areas that will be supported include, but are not limited to: research into etiologies and prevalence of autism; direct assistance for individuals with autism; respite services for families of individuals with autism; job sampling and job training endeavors for teenagers and adults with autism; residential placement for individuals with autism who for different reasons are no longer able to live with their families. The Neri family has experienced the impact of autism for over two decades, and have supported local autism intervention programs for an equally long time. We know wholeheartedly how challenging it can be to overcome some of the obstacles associated with an autism spectrum diagnosis: Establishing meaningful activities, teaching functional self-help and home-living skills, improving expressive language and language comprehension, are some of the things we have been dealing with on a very personal level. Thank you again for your interest. The funds raised by these projects will benefit individuals and families that, on a daily basis, face difficult challenges. To support our efforts, you can participate in any of our projects or make a direct donation.

Best, Sergio and Violetta Neri

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